
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.


Our quality interventions, passionately promote equitable access to justice and humanitarian assistance

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Why us

Our guiding principles

In our service delivery we are guided by the following principles

Free and Direct access to Victim

AMARD Organization has free access to victim and direct control of its program, AMARD Organization uses all means available to achieve its principles


AMARD is committed to respecting policy of totals openness to the donors and encourages the availability of information, allocation of its funds and management. AMARD Organization is also committed to provide and guarantees to prove its good management.


AMARD Organization maintains strict one partisan politically and dispute neutrality, However, AMARD Organization is focused helping and closely working with the community of Banadir, Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Lower Shebelle and Middle Shabelle regions are on humanitarian front as well removing obstacles put in the way of its humanitarian action implementation through peaceful dialogue


AMARD Organization shall never discriminate based on race, sex, ethnicity, nationality opinion or social calls disruption and victimization.


AMARD Org based the conception, relation management and assessment of its programmes on professional standards and year experience in order to maximize its efficiency programmes and resource in Bay, Bakool and Middle Juba regions



We support communities by ensuring children from most vulnerable, marginalized and minority communities have access to quality education.



We aim to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities to the minorities, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and vulnerable host communities in Somalia.



Ensuring internally displaced persons (IDPs) have equitable access to humanitarian assistance and protection to improve their quality of life and dignity in the displaced Camps.


Health & Nutrition

We aim to improve and promote sustainable nutrition and provision of primary health care services to the vulnerable communities.


Food Security & Livelihoods

Improving the living conditions of most vulnerable communities’ through provision of conditional and unconditional cash transfers to empower the economy.


Youth and Women Empowerment

We empower women and youth from the minority communities through establishing micro-business and small enterprise. We give start up capital and provide free education to add value to the community