Physical address:
6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, Bahamas.
We are committed to promoting equitable access to justice, humanitarian assistance, and development, with a dedicated focus on minority rights in Somalia, Kenya, and the greater Horn of Africa.
The Agency for Minority Rights and Development (AMARD) is a fully-fledged regional Non-Governmental Organization registered in Somalia and operating in the Horn of Africa, including Kenya. We focus on meaningful participation, strategic partnerships, and quality interventions to address humanitarian challenges, promote peaceful coexistence, and amplify the voices of marginalized and minority communities.
“Minority rights are human rights, and we must advocate for their protection and empowerment. Through organizations like AMARD, we strive for peaceful coexistence and equitable access to justice, promoting the representation and meaningful participation of minority communities in decision-making processes.
These are some of our quality interventions, passionately promoting equitable access to justice and humanitarian assistance, with a dedicated focus on minority rights and development
We support communities by ensuring children from most vulnerable, marginalized and minority communities have access to quality education.
We aim to improve and promote sustainable nutrition and provision of primary health care services to the vulnerable communities.
Improving the living conditions of most vulnerable communities’ through provision of conditional and unconditional cash transfers to empower the economy.
We aim to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities to the minorities, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and vulnerable host communities in Somalia.
Ensuring internally displaced persons (IDPs) have equitable access to humanitarian assistance and protection to improve their quality of life and dignity in the displaced Camps.
We empower women and youth from the minority communities through establishing micro-business and small enterprise.
Strengthening case management through direct service provision for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). We provide immediate lifesaving assistance to vulnerable populations by ensuring access to comprehensive case management and psycho-social support (PSS) and a host of other services
We aim to provide adequate access to child protection services and ensure children are protected from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation at home and in the community. We also ensure that the affected children receive appropriate support through the case management process.
We support the advocacy initiatives of the minority community in Southwest Somalia, working alongside them to ensure that their voices are heard and basic needs are met.
We actively implement programs aimed at addressing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), focusing on prevention, awareness, and advocacy. Through community engagement and education, the organization works to challenge harmful cultural practices, promote the rights and dignity of women and girls, and support survivors of FGM with psychosocial and legal assistance.
We work towards promoting women’s representation and meaningful participation in decision-making and leadership positions in peace and political processes which Consequently contributing to peace, political stability, and security in Somalia with specific focus on minorities.
We respond to the local communities’ emergency humanitarian concerns in order to reduce preventable mortality and morbidity, Safeguarding the rights of children and preventing, responding to GBV among the most disadvantage minority, marginalize, persons living with disabilities and vulnerable populations in Somalia.